December 27, 2011

4 green

If the weather forecast holds true, it looks like the weather is going to shift to a more normal pattern for this time of year.  Please use caution with the golf carts should any wet areas result from the change in weather.

Jerry top dressing the approach on hole 2

So far this week, the fairways were fertilized.  The first 40 feet or so of rough around the greens and fairways was also fertilized.  The approaches and tees have been mowed, and the approaches were top dressed.  Dean continues to work on changing out golf cart batteries, which seems to be a never ending process.  Jim has been working on getting the irrigation valves edged, which makes them much easier to find and shutoff when the need arises.

December 22, 2011

Jerry and his son Clinton after playing a round 12/21/11

The weather has been spectacular again this past week.  Dealing with the morning frost delays has been well worth the dry and sunny playing conditions.  Yesterday afternoon, a group of us from the maintenance staff played 9 holes after work.  We had a great time, and really enjoyed the course.

One of many bunkers not being raked by players lately

The picture above is very frustrating to my staff and I.  I wish I could say this the only bunker that looked like this, but there have been many more.  For some reason, over the past two weeks, we have seen more bunkers not being raked than ever before.  It would be understandable if the bunkers were too frozen to rake, but that has not been the case. I can't understand why this is happening.  It only take about 30 seconds to perform a good rake job.  I am sure there are still plenty of people raking their bunkers properly.  To those folks, I thank you. If you happen to be one of the people not raking, please do so.  If not for others, do it for yourself, you may be hitting from that spot again soon.

Pond bank sloughing off near 17 tee area

Jerry has been working on the pond bank near 17 tees.  The bank has sloughed off, and has been needing repair.  A couple of years ago, he repaired a similar area by 18 green, which has held up really well.  We decided it would be a great time to perform the work since the pond level is so low right now.  At this point, he has made a wall with cinder blocks and back filled with sand.  Next, he will add aeration cores and seed, which will eventually establish turf over the back filled area.

Siuslaw Middle School
Siuslaw Middle School

Last Thursday, I gave a presentation to MJ Church's 6th grade (5th period) class at Siuslaw Middle School.  Her class (which includes my son Dylan) has been given an assignment to research and give a presentation on a career of their choosing.  I was invited to talk about about what it is like to be a golf course superintendent.  I had a great time, and enjoyed answering the questions the class had.

One of the things I shared with the class is how I got started on my path as a golf course superintendent.  I told them that I had been given a similar assignment in high school, in which I had to write a paper on a career of my choosing.  I had been working at Ocean Shores Golf Course, in Ocean Shores, WA during my summer vacations.  I really enjoyed the work I was doing on the golf course, so I decided to write my paper about becoming a golf course superintendent.  Through my research, I found I could make a descent living doing something I enjoyed.  From that point on, my goal was to become a golf course superintendent.  I completed the first major step towards achieving that goal in 1999 when I graduated from Washington State University (Go Cougs!) with a degree in turf management, and a minor in soil science.  During my time at WSU, I interned at Sahalee Country Club during the 1998 PGA Championship.  After that, I continued gaining experience working my way up through the ranks at the TPC at Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club, where I was the assistant superintendent for over 5 years.  In 2006, I achieved the goal I had set for myself more than decade prior during my high school years.  I had become a golf course superintendent.  The course was none other than Sandpines Golf Links.

My son Dylan hitting a tee shot on hole 16

December 16, 2011


2 green

Another week of mostly great weather.  The sun is shining brilliantly at the moment. Sandpines received its first rain of December on Wednesday evening.  The dry weather looks like it will continue according the the extended forecast.

Jerry top dressing 5 green

Yesterday, we were able to get the greens mowed and top dressed.  We also fertilized the tees.  During this weeks frost delays, we were able to audit our material safety data sheets (MSDS) records.  There were a few items that we did not have MSDS's for, which is the reason we conduct these audits when we get a chance.  The records were obtained promptly.  We have a computer in the break room that is dedicated for MSDS records, which makes it much easier to access the records.

December 9, 2011

Sick of fog? Play in the sun at Sandpines!

Hole 18 basking in the sun

The weather at Sandpines has been spectacular again this week.  I attended a seminar in Portland on Tuesday and Wednesday, and did not see the sun once during the trip.  I did however see clouds and fog.  If you like fog and 35 degrees head inland.  If sunny and 50 degrees sounds better, head to Sandpines and play some golf.  There have been some frost delays this week, but its well worth the wait to play in the sun.

Hole 11

During the frost delays, we were able to get quite a bit more brush mowing done this week.  The brush clearing project in the drainage ditch between holes 6 and 7 was completed earlier in the week.  The fairways were fertilized yesterday.  Most of our time this week has been spent on routine golf course maintenance tasks (mowing, changing cups, raking bunkers).

View from clubhouse conference room

Having a hard time finding a gift for the golfer who seems to have everything?  Consider a gift certificate to Sandpines.

December 2, 2011

Hole 2

The weather has been fabulous this week.  It is a great time to get out and enjoy the golf course.  I am going to give it a try this afternoon in a 9 hole scramble here at Sandpines.  I am a little rusty, but hope to contribute in some way.  If it sounds fun, contact the golf shop, there may still be a spot or two open.

A unique shot of hole 17 with the dune in the background

Frost delays are common this time of year in the absence of cloud cover.  There was a frost delay yesterday, but thankfully we did not have one this morning.  I wanted to add a video to sum up why it is necessary to have frost delays, so I checked out You Tube.  The video below is one of videos that was listed when I searched for frost delay,  so I decided to check it out.  The video makes fun of superintendents regarding frost delays.  I found it hilarious. There are other videos with golf related topics you may also want to check out. Some of the videos should probably have an R rating for strong language.

Now that you had a good laugh (I hope), I wanted to include a video that was a bit more informative.  Although its not as funny as the previous video, the video below does a good job explaining the importance of frost delays.  Remember that no body likes frost delays, but they beat the heck out of pouring rain.  So please keep that in mind next we have a delay.

The greens, collars, approaches, fairways, tees, and even the rough (where needed) were all mowed this week.  We also continued to cleanup tree debris from last weeks wind storms.  The portable toilet near the driving range was put back in its usual spot, and has been secured.

Hole 3 after most pine needles were blown off the fairway

The precipitation history page has been updated.  So far this year, Sandpines has received just over 55 inches of rain.  Through the same period last year, there was just shy of 70 inches.  According to the extended forecast, the first half of December looks pretty good.  Get out and enjoy the great weather while you can.