October 31, 2013

Jerry aerating the tees on hole 10

The month of October was a blur. We started the month by finishing up the aeration of the fairways. Then, the tees were aerated. Next, the greens were aerated and top dressed. After that, the approaches were aerated and top dressed.

Greens aeration process on hole 2

The driving range tee was also aerated, seeded, and top dressed. We have also been top dressing fairways over the last couple of weeks, hopefully we will finish them up next week.

Jerry top dressing the fairway on hole 9

October 4, 2013

View of 17 green from 18 red tee

We are getting closer to completing the fairway aeration process. The fairway on the 18th hole is all that remains. Hopefully, we will have that done early next week. If all goes well, tee aeration will be completed following fairway aeration. Greens aeration is coming up in a couple weeks. We will begin following play on Sunday October 20th. The golf course will be closed to complete the process on Monday October 21st and Tuesday October 22nd. Approach aeration will take place once the greens have been completed.

The cart path behind 8 tees is now open

The cart path behind 8 tees had to be closed several weeks ago due to sand accumulation. Last week we took delivery of a loader and dump truck that are on loan to help us deal with the sand that has piled up on the golf course. Our first order of the business was to clear the path behind 8 tees so the cart path could be opened up. We will be working in the area off and on as long as we have the use of the equipment. We installed a Road Work Ahead sign in the area where we will be working. Please use caution when you are in the area, as it can be difficult to see golf carts when operating large pieces of equipment.