April 27, 2018

Hole 9 basking in the sun

One of our latest improvements was adding steps to the greenside bunker on hole 1. We have had some good feedback so far regarding the new steps. Hopefully, you will see them, but won't have to use them during your next round. 

New steps in hole 1 greenside bunker

Jerry designed and installed them. He did a great job. It should be a bit easier to get in and out of the bunker now.

Jerry installing the steps
Completed steps

In other news, we got a couple new pieces of equipment! The first is a Branson 4720H tractor. We haven't had it long, but it has been great so far. It has definitely helped our productivity to use a reliable tractor for loading sand.

The second piece of equipment is Toro Workman MDX utility vehicle. We use utility vehicles for a variety of tasks throughout the golf course. With more staff for the golf season, it is really important to have enough vehicles for them to be productive.  We did not have enough vehicles at times until this new one arrived.  It has been a great addition.

Our new tractor!
Our new utility vehicle!