October 23, 2010

Let The Healing Begin

I would like to thank the Sandpines Maintenance Staff for all of their hard work during the greens aeration process.  Their continued dedication to the golf course is greatly appreciated.

The weather cooperated nicely during the entire greens aeration process.  The forecast for the next few days is calling for rain, which should really help the healing process.

Despite a few equipment problems, the aeration of the approaches was also completed.  During the approach aeration, Jerry (the assistant superintendent at Sandpines) let me run the GA-60 aerator for a bit on Wednesday.  That went pretty for about ten minutes, then I hit a sprinkler head.  I don't think Jerry will be asking me to run "his" aerator again anytime soon.  I did have an enjoyable time repairing the damage.  Luckily, the sprinkler head was still in tact, and all that broke was a fitting on the swing arm.
