December 6, 2010

Off Season Topdressing

The greens were topdressed today.  Sand topdressing is beneficial in many ways. Consistent sand topdressing keeps thatch diluted, which improves infiltration and keeps the surface firm.  It also smooths the surface by filling depressions and imperfections caused by the traffic of play and maintenance.  The sand also protects the crown of the grass plant, making the plant healthier.  Healthier plants are less susceptible to stress and require less inputs.

Approach topdressing was also started today, and should be completed soon.  We try to topdress greens and approaches monthly in the off season, but as with all plans this time of year, it depends upon the weather.

Last week was pretty wet until Friday.  A few traffic areas were getting sloppy, so traffic was re-routed in those areas.  This is most evident on hole 4, where some ropes were added for better traffic control.

I attended a pest management seminar in Portland last Thursday and Friday.  There were some great topics and speakers this year.  It was nice to learn a couple new things, refresh a few things, and network with industry contacts.

Sandpines received 12.02 inches of precipitation in the month of November.  That brings the total for 2010 to 71.01 inches so far.