January 28, 2011

Off with the raingear and on with the shorts

Jerry rolling #12 green

The weather has been spectacular lately.  Yesterday (Thursday 1/27/11) the temperature was 67 degrees.  The weather forecast for next week is also looking good, although it is supposed to get a bit colder.

It has been a productive week.  With the exception of the rough, all turf areas were mowed this week.  The tees and 2 passes in the rough were also fertilized.  The greens, approaches, and fairways were fertilized last week.  When we get a dry weather pattern in the winter, we try to get a light rate of fertilizer out so the turf can better sustain the traffic created by carts, play, and maintenance practices.

#18 fairway, 67 degrees on 1/27/11

Recently, I was in the market for some new ground under repair signs.  As I began to mull over the options, I realized I did not care for any of them for one reason or another.  I narrowed it down to two options.  The recycled plastic ones looked great, but $30 per sign seemed like an awful lot to pay.  Then there is the $20 per sign option, which looked cheap and flimsy, and did not seem like a good choice at any price in my opinion.  I decided I would try and make a ground under repair sign that looked descent without costing a bundle.  I really liked the recycled plastic look, so I went to the local lumber yard and found some Trex and TimberTech odds and ends they sold by the foot.  I found a piece of TimberTech that I thought might make a good looking sign.  The next task was figuring out how to get the words ground under repair on the board.  I didn't want to take a lot of time, but I also wanted something that looked good.  I contemplated using stencils and paint, but decided to look into using vinyl lettering.  I went to Treehouse Signs and Decorative Arts to see if they could help out.  Sam and Karen are the owners of Treehouse signs, and they fixed me right up with some vinyl lettering and background.  All I needed now was the spikes.  I decided on 7" gutter spikes.

The TimberTech lumber was $2 per foot.  The vinyl background and lettering was $75 for enough to make 10 signs.  The gutter spikes were 25 cents each.  I was able to save some money by installing the vinyl myself.  Sam and Karen showed how to install the vinyl on the recycled lumber.  It was pretty easy to do, and I enjoyed learning how to do something new.

TimberTech Lumber                  $2.00
Vinyl background & lettering      $7.50
7" gutter spikes (2)                   $0.50

  Total for each sign                  $10.00

Custom ground under repair sign

I think the signs turned out really well.  I made 10 of them and they did not take long to make.  For the $100 spent on this project, I would have only been able to buy between 3 and 5 ready made ground under repair signs.  The ground under repair sign project went so well, that I am now in the process of making some directional arrows at an even lower cost.  Keep those creative juices flowing, you never know what you might come up with.