May 13, 2011


Recently aerated green filling in nicely

The greens are healing up nicely from last weeks aeration.  They are still a bit bumpy, but are improving daily.  We lowered the height of cut this week.  It will likely take another two to three weeks until we reach our peak season mowing height.

Jerry aerating hole 9 fairway

Tee aeration was completed earlier this week.  We began aerating fairways on Thursday.  Holes 1 and 9 were completed.  The grass growth has really picked up.  Between aeration and mowing, there has not been time for much else.

Large pile of aeration cores

I have received a few phone calls about the availability of aeration cores.  We now have some stock piled.  They are $10 per tractor scoop.  Most pickups will take between 2-4 tractor scoops depending on the size of the truck.  For more information call the maintenance shop (541) 997-4530.

Turn the aeration cores above into a nice lawn like this