October 28, 2011


Jerry aerating a tee on hole 17

Tee aeration was completed this week.  It took longer than usual due to a few equipment problems, but the last tee was cleaned up Thursday afternoon.

The golf course is pretty dry for this time of year.  I have received a few comments this week about the extra ball roll in the fairways.  With the exception of the greens, the rest of the golf course has not been irrigated in quite some time.  The lake levels are also lower than normal. The golf course is a little drier than I would like it in a few areas, but I wanted to push the envelope a bit knowing that rain will be coming soon.  In fact, we are supposed to get some precipitation this evening.

John mowing area adjacent to hole 3

We were able to get a little brush mowing done this week adjacent to holes 3, 4, and 5. We will continue this process throughout the course as time and weather permit.