April 27, 2012

2 green

Last weekend the weather was fantastic and the tee sheet was busy. I received multiple compliments about the condition of the greens, which was great considering we had aerated them earlier the same week. So far this week, the weather has been very spring like. While there has been sunshine, there have also been a few showers. Thankfully, the weather for the weekend is looking good.

Steven is changing the cup and Jim is mowing the collar on hole 12

This week the fairways received a fertilization, which was long over due. The greens were top dressed. The greens, tees, collars, approaches, rough, and surrounds were all mowed. The grass growth has really picked up, and consequently so has our mowing frequency.

Crane fly larva

There have been a few crane fly larvae on the greens lately. The numbers of larvae have not been great enough to cause damage, so we just remove them with the greens mower. On occasion, I hand pick the larvae off the greens and feed them to my son's lizard. I am not sure if that technically qualifies as biological control or not, but the lizard and I enjoy the results just the same.

Curlew hanging out next to 16 tees

The curlew are here for their annual trip to Sandpines. They can typically be seen somewhere on holes 16, 17, or 18. The curlew usually only stay for a few weeks before they are off to their next destination.