May 24, 2012

14 green

This time last week, we were hand watering localized dry spots on the greens with wetting agent, and had the irrigation system up and running (we actually had a string of 16 consecutive days without measurable precipitation). This week everyone has been keeping there rain gear on or within reach. What a difference a week makes. So far this week, Sandpines has received 1.8 inches of precipitation. Thankfully, the forecast is calling for improved weather starting tomorrow.

Earlier this week we had some heavy rain showers, and there was some puddling on some of the fairways. All the fairways that have been aerated so far this spring had no standing water on them. On the other hand, puddling occurred on all of the fairways which had not yet been aerated. Improved infiltration is one of the many benefits of aeration.

This week we had a few hangups with the fairway aeration. Between equipment issues and poor weather, we were not able to be as productive this week as we were during the past couple of weeks. So far this week, holes 4, 12, and 14 have been completed. If all goes well from this point forward, we should have all the fairway aeration completed by this time next week.

Killdeer eggs

Jerry found the Killdeer eggs pictured above when we was marking some sprinkler heads. The eggs blend into the surrounding area very well and could easily have been stepped on. We were careful not to touch the eggs, but I did want to take the opportunity to get a picture of them to share. The video below was taken just prior to the picture of the eggs. The adult Killdeer in the video was not very happy about our proximity to the nest.