July 13, 2012

Jerry top dressing 16 green with a Lely spreader

The greens were verticut and top dressed earlier this week. Our Tycrop top dresser was used to spread sand on the first 15 holes, then one of the hydraulic motors blew a seal. Jerry and I decided to try using our Lely spreader to top dress the last 3 greens in order to finish. It was a much slower process, but we were able to finish the top dressing. Verticutting and top dressing are performed in order to remove and dilute thatch and to firm and smooth the putting surface. The greens went from rolling good, to rolling great. I have been receiving compliments on the greens regularly, and have received even more compliments this week since the verticutting and top dressing were completed.

John Peterson, Equipment and Facilities Manager

John Peterson was recently hired as the Equipment and Facilities Manager at Sandpines. John is still getting to know the golf course, equipment, facilities, and staff. However, he has already been a breath of fresh air. He is easy to get along with, and has a wealth of knowledge. Before coming to Sandpines, he ran his own shop, where he specialized in working on vintage exotic race cars. His diverse background also includes stints at Honda, Porsche, and Jaguar. Even though he has only been at Sandpines for a couple of weeks, it is clear that John will excel in his new position.