September 7, 2012

View from 16 approach

This week, we have been getting the golf course ready for the Sandpines Club Championship, which is being held this weekend. The greens were groomed in multiple directions, top dressed, and brushed.  The greens and approaches were also fertilized. The greens are rolling great for the tournament. To those playing, have fun and good luck!

Fairway aeration begins next week

Peterson has been working hard getting the aeration equipment ready for fairway aeration. The core harvesters were in need of quite a bit of work. Here is the list of work Peterson has performed so far on the core harvesters: hydraulic motors rebuilt, new chains, new sprockets, new rail boards fabricated, wear strips, all new bearings, re-machined rollers (Florence Welding), rebuilt shoes, fabricated adjuster brackets, and A-frames reinforced. He has put in a lot of  long hours to get it all accomplished, and it was all done in addition to the normal maintenance and repairs required to keep all the other equipment operational. Thanks Peterson, I really appreciate all the hard work.