October 26, 2012

Hole 7

The greens are in the process of healing from aeration. They are looking better this week, and will be even better next week. We have been mowing them every other day, and we have been getting a fair amount of grass. The greens were rolled on Wednesday in order to help smooth them out.

The collars, approaches, tees, fairways, and rough were all mowed this week. Wet spots were hand aerated in any areas where puddling occurred.

I have been receiving a number of compliments on the condition of the golf course this week. Many people have commented on how quickly the fairways have healed from aeration following the recent granular fertilizer application.

Irrigation break on 14 fairway

Sunday, there was an irrigation break on 14 fairway. Usually, irrigation repairs consist of shutting a valve or two, digging up the break, repairing what is broken, waiting for the glue to cure, open up the valve, check for leaks, and replace sand and sod. On this particular irrigation break, the valves were not shutting down all the way. Since the break was at one of the lowest points in the irrigation system, a large part of the irrigation system had to be drained before the repair could be completed. The break occurred next to a concrete thrust block, so concrete had to be delicately removed from the pipe in order make the repair. Once the area to be repaired was cut out, the pipe did not line up very well, so an additional 12 feet of pipe had to be exposed. After the repair was made, there was quite a bit of sod work before the job was complete. Jerry endured the entire process by himself from start to finish. He did a great job, but I think its safe to say he has seen enough of hole 14 this week.

Jerry replacing sod on 14 fairway