February 22, 2013

Jerry removing dew on 8 green

This week hole locations were changed twice, and are scheduled to be changed again on Saturday. The greens were walk mowed once, and dew was removed with a dew brush multiple days. The greens are scheduled to be mowed again on Sunday. Bunkers were raked. The tees were mowed, and the tee divots were filled. Tee yardage markers were edged. Sprinkler heads around the greens were edged. Cart path edging was continued, and is still on going.

My table at the Melrose Academy breakfast

As I mentioned in my last post, my trip to the GCSAA Conference in San Diego was fantastic. Above is a picture from the Melrose Leadership Academy breakfast that took place on February 5th. I had the good fortune to sit at the table with four fellow Melrose Academy class attendees, Sandy Queen (GCSAA President), Rhett Evans (CEO of GCSAA), and Ken Melrose (man whose gift made the Melrose Leadership Academy possible). Mr. Melrose delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of philanthropy.

After breakfast, and two of the seminars I mentioned in my last post, It was time for the Opening Night Celebration (which ironically is not held on the first night of the conference). The celebration featured Major Dan Rooney. The video below does a great job explaining Rooney's importance in the golf industry.

February 15, 2013

3 green basking in the sun

The weather has been spectacular the last couple of days. In fact, I have seen more sun in the past two days at Sandpines than I did all of last week in San Diego. I encourage you to get out and take advantage of the great weather by playing a round at Sandpines. Make your tee times early, as they are going fast.

Jerry and Steven preparing 17 green for play this morning

This week, the greens have been mowed and rolled twice (planning to mow again on Sunday). The greens, approaches, and green surrounds (2 passes around the greens) were fertilized. Hole locations were changed three times (they will also be changed both weekend days). Bunkers were raked twice (scheduled to be raked again on Sunday). Cart path edging was continued. Gravel path maintenance was performed. A fairway sprinkler head on hole 16 was relocated in an effort to prevent a notorious dry spot from occurring again this summer. Tee divots were filled with sand and seed. An irrigation audit was initiated in clubhouse landscaping.

San Diego Convention Center decked out in GCSAA decor

I did not make a post last week, as I was attending the GCSAA conference in San Diego (as mentioned in my last post). I would like to take the opportunity to thank Ken Melrose for his generous donation to the Environmental Institute for Golf. Without his support, I would not have been able to attend this years GCSAA Conference. I would also like to thank Mischia Wright and the rest of the GCSAA staff that had a hand in putting together the program for the inaugural Melrose Leadership Academy Class.

The weather on my maiden voyage to San Diego was not all that I had dreamed it would be. Don't get me wrong, the weather was not horrible (except for last Friday, which yielded thunder showers and hail), but 60 degrees and cloudy was the norm last week. I was hoping for 70 degrees and sunny (Monday was pretty close). Maybe next time my luck will be better.

Thankfully, the GCSAA Conference was all that I had hoped for and more. It will take me at least a couple of posts to cover the highlights of my trip to San Diego. In this post, I will give a brief summary of the four seminars I had the opportunity to attend.

The first seminar I attended was Practical and Professional Etiquette to Enhance Your Image. Rick Capozzi was the presenter. He did a great job conveying the proper techniques for:  making first impressions, making introductions, remembering names, performing handshakes, exhibiting confidence, maintaining a positive attitude, non-verbal communication, technological etiquette (smart phone, blue tooth, ipad, laptop), and dining etiquette. This interactive seminar provided opportunities to practice the techniques that were presented. While all four seminars I attended were great, this was my second favorite.

The second seminar I had the opportunity to attend was Negotiating for Success. Bruce Williams and Tommy Witt were the presenters. Both are certified golf course superintendents and past presidents of the GCSAA. Examples of negotiations were given in a wide variety of situations including purchasing of:  golf course maintenance equipment, golf carts, chemicals and fertilizers, fuel, irrigation equipment, and vehicles. It was clear these two veterans of the golf industry were great at negotiating.

The third seminar I attended was Conflict Management for the Superintendent. The presenter was Lynda Pinnington. Topics covered included: origins of conflict, conflict in the work place, learned patterns of behavior, the three types of responses to conflict, feedback (an essential communication tool), conflict resolution processes, conflict resolution steps, behaviors to avoid in conflict situations, and helping others resolve conflict. The information provided in the seminar can be used at work,  home, and everywhere in between. This was my favorite of the four seminars I attended. I have been using the information I learned from this seminar on a daily basis. I highly recommend taking this seminar if you get a chance.

The fourth and final seminar I attended was Speak Tweaks - Compelling Communication. Jan Fox was the presenter. The focus of this seminar was speaking in front of groups. Topics covered included:  avoiding verbal pauses (um, er, & uh), making eye contact, proper body language, handshakes, working the room, and using key words. There was plenty of opportunity to practice the techniques learned in this interactive seminar.

February 1, 2013

Another beautiful day at the coast

According to the forecast, we are on the front end of another nice stretch of weather. It's a great time to come play a round of golf and enjoy the sunshine.

14 green

This week, the tees and fairways were fertilized. The greens were mowed twice (so far). Cart path edging was continued. Bunker edges were repaired on three bunkers (one each on holes 2, 3, & 15). Sprinkler head raising and edging was continued. Gravel paths were repaired in multiple areas. Bunkers were raked a couple of times. Peterson has been busy working on the rough mower, and is hoping to have it all back together by the end of next week.