August 30, 2013

Gorgeous day for golf

We vented the greens at the beginning of the week again this week. The tiny holes healed up quickly and didn't have to much impact on play even when they were visible. As you can see from the picture below the holes are not visible at this point. The greens took the much needed half inch of rain we received yesterday with no problem at all. The fairways on the other hand, are in need of aeration and we saw some standing water here and there. We started aerating the fairways this week, but it has been a slow process thus far. The fairway on hole nine is almost done, but we have had some equipment challenges already. Hopefully, the process will go a little smoother next week.

15 green this afternoon

We are getting into the best weather of the year at Sandpines. Get out and enjoy a round during the next couple of months and you will see what I am talking about.

In honor of the opening weekend for college football, I will end this post with the following picture.

Go Cougs!