November 28, 2014

A gorgeous fall day at Sandpines

The golf course maintenance staff has been busy since my last post. The aeration of greens and approaches went well. The surfaces have healed up nicely and are currently in good playing condition.

Greens have healed up nicely following greens aeration

In early November, we were able to aerate, overseed, and top dress the hydrophobic areas in the green surrounds rough. A wetting agent was also applied to these areas in an effort to increase water infiltration.

The fairways were recently spot aerated with 5/8" hollow core tines during a nice stretch of dry weather. The areas that typically collect water during heavy rain events were targeted. This will help the fairways dry out more quickly after rain storms.

Jerry spot aerating 3 fairway

During wet weather and frost delays, we have been making new trash boxes for the golf course. The old ones are in pretty bad shape. So far, 12 boxes have been completed and are out on the course. They are turning out really nice.  Thaddeus and Jerry have been doing a great job on them. We hope to have the rest of them completed in the near future.

New trash boxes

Jeri (from the golf shop) has some great fabrication skills. He recently built a new ball picker for the driving range. The old one was in bad shape and was constantly breaking down. Nice job Jeri, it looks great.

Jeri's new ball picker

Jerry has really been in the Cougar spirit this year. Since the Apple Cup is tomorrow, I thought I would include a couple of pictures of him. Go Cougs!