March 17, 2015

View from the clubhouse putting green on 2/16/15

OB Sports was recently selected by SPG Properties to manage Sandpines. SPG Properties acquired Sandpines in October of 2014. OB Sports began managing Sandpines on 2/16/15. Checkout the press release below for more details.

13 green under bright blue sky 3/16/15

The first ten days of February yielded nearly 10 inches (9.73 inches) of rain at Sandpines. On the other hand, the last 18 days of February yielded less than an inch (0.91 inches) of rain, including a 15-day dry stretch. In fact, between February 24th and March 9th, a combination of spot watering and hand watering was required in many areas throughout the golf course. Irrigation at Sandpines typically starts in April at the earliest. Needless to say, there has not been much time lately for blog posts.

The on course signage was refurbished during the wet weather in early February. First the sings were sanded down. Then some of areas on signs required carving out due to the amount of sanding that was necessary. Next, the lettering was carefully repainted. Finally, the signs were refinished and cured. The signs have been put back on the course, and are looking great.

Rainbow Pump working on the well on hole 15

Rainbow Pump Company was here the week of February 16th working on well 5, which is located on the right side of hole 15. The well is now operational. A new motor, pump, pipe, and wire were installed. It was tested out during the recent stretch of dry weather while we were irrigating. The guys from Rainbow Pump did a nice job, and its clear they take pride in their work.

Peterson installing a rebuilt engine in the rough mower

The Toro 4700D rough mower had a really tough time during the growing season last year. It ran, but just barely. It did not have the power to pull hills or mow wet grass. It was a struggle to get the rough mowed. Peterson determined that the mower was still in good shape overall, but it needed a new engine. We were recently able to purchase a rebuilt engine for the mower. Peterson installed the engine, and it went out for its first mowing last week. The new engine ran great and provided plenty of power to mow wet grass and navigate hills.

Michael Madden demoing the Air 2G2 on 7 green

Last Wednesday, Michael Madden (Turf Commander) brought his Air 2G2 machine out for a demonstration. He used it on 7 green. The machine uses air which is pumped through tines at a 12 inch depth to aerate the soil. There is no cleanup. The green was ready for play right away. There are not many holes left behind due to the machine only having 3 tines. Each aeration air burst aerates an area 6' x 9'. Check it out if you get a chance.