March 11, 2011


Hole 14

The tsunami warning siren sounded at 3 am this morning in Florence.  We were fortunate to escape any tsunami damage, but the weather has been pretty wet the last couple of weeks.  Sandpines received 4.65 inches of precipitation in the first ten days of March.  The precipitation total for February was 6.16 inches.  There is a little break in the wet weather today, but the rain is supposed to return tonight.

Wind blown tree debris

The rain has kept the course pretty wet.  Windy days have kept us busy blowing debris off greens and approaches.  Over the last two weeks, we have continued working on  adjusting the height of sprinkler heads.  We have also been working on draining wet areas with our unique drainage techniques (see November 9, 2010 post for more information).

Old debris pile under hole 4 fairway

The picture above was captured while I was using a post hole digger to drain an area at the start of hole 4 fairway.  Apparently,  this was a site for an organic debris pile prior to becoming a fairway.  These types of areas are rare at Sandpines, but we do run into once in a while.  There were several sticks in each drain hole that were removed.  The hole were then filled with sand.  This area should begin to dry up fairly quickly if the rain ever stops falling.