March 31, 2011

Will It Ever Stop Raining?

Flooded cart path on hole 7

Today the weather was supposed to be sunny.  Unfortunately, we had constant light mist instead.  Today marks the 27th day of the month with measurable precipitation.  Hopefully, April will be a drier month.

Screen shot showing where to click for precipitation history

Speaking of precipitation, I added a new page called precipitation history.  The page is located at the top of the blog.  The home page contains blog posts, while the precipitation history page lists the precipitation measured at Sandpines.  I will update it monthly to keep it current.  The history goes back to June of 2006.  You can check it out by clicking on the precipitation history tab at the top of the blog (see the picture above).

Jerry top dressing hole 5 green

Despite the wet weather, we were able to top dress greens on Monday.  The approaches were also top dressed, but had to be spread over three days due to heavy rain on Tuesday.  I usually like to lightly top dress greens and approaches monthly from November through March.  But, that has not been possible with all of the rainfall over the last few months.  As the weather gets warmer, we will be top dressing on a more regular basis to incorporate sand into the thatch layer and to smooth the surface of the greens

Hole 4 green side bunker holding a little water

As of this morning, we had 19 bunkers with a least some standing water.  A couple of people have asked me if the water can be pumped the out of the bunkers.  The standing water in the bunkers is from ground water.  The water can be pumped out, but as soon as the water is gone and the pump is turned off, the water returns.  The picture above of  hole 4 green and bunker was taken this morning.  The bunker was pumped out yesterday.  We only received about a quarter of an inch of rain since the bunker was pumped and the water level is right back where it was yesterday.  As the level of the ground water goes down, the bunkers will again become playable.  It will most likely take a few months for the lowest bunkers, such as those on hole 4, to get to that point.

Can you tell which red stake has been painted recently?

Our red hazard stakes were in need of painting.  We spent some time over the past week refurbishing and painting all of the red hazard stakes throughout the golf course.  The difference is pretty dramatic.  The yellow hazard stakes are not as noticeable, but they could also use a fresh coat of paint.  Hopefully, we will get a chance to paint them soon.