September 16, 2011

Two bucks for a blog topic

2 bucks showing their stuff

One of the great things about working on a golf course is seeing wildlife on a daily basis.  I was lucky enough to witness the scene above on Wednesday.  The video below is the tail end of the show, but I thought is was worth sharing.

I have received a few of questions regarding bubbling in the pond located between holes 16, 17, and 18. The questions are usually followed by concern that there may be an irrigation break of some kind.  I decided to give the issue some blog attention, as I am sure there are other folks that are curious about what is going on.  The bubbling actually comes from our on course wells, which are used to fill the pond.  The water is then pulled from the pond to irrigate the golf course as needed.  There are five wells that have four distribution points in the pond.  Well use is rotated between the wells as needed, so the bubbling is not always located in the same area, or may not be present at all.  In case you have not seen or noticed the bubbling, check out the pictures below.