September 2, 2011


View from behind 5 green this morning

The weather has been fantastic at Sandpines over the past week.  September and October often have the best weather of the year at Sandpines, which means the best may be yet to come.  The greens are also rolling very nicely.  So, if you are looking for a great time to play Sandpines, this is it.

Jerry aerating the fairway on hole 2

We started aerating fairways this week.  Holes 1, 9, 13, 15, and all but a couple of passes on hole 2 have been completed.  I am pretty happy with the progress so far.  The growing conditions are great right now, and the aeration holes will heal up quickly.

These fairway aeration cores could be your new lawn

Have you been wanting a new lawn?  Aeration cores are great way to establish a nice lawn.  We now have some stock piled.  They are $10 per tractor scoop.  Most pickups will take between 2-4 tractor scoops depending on the size of the truck.  For more information call the maintenance shop (541) 997-4530.