January 19, 2012

View from the clubhouse green on 1/15/12

The great weather we were having took a turn for the worse this week.  Over the past few days, we have seen snow, sleet, hail, ice, rain, and high winds.  The snow is all gone at this point, but the rain and high winds are still present while I am writing this post.

This tree blew down near 7 tees

Several trees have blown down between yesterday and today.  When safe to do so, we will begin working on removing the downed trees and tree debris.

Trees blown over on hole 3

On hole 14, sand blew out of the front green side bunker and onto the left half of the green. Once we can safely get to work on removing the excess sand, it shouldn't take to long to get the green in playable condition.

Sand on 14 green

The clubhouse also sustained some damage from the high winds.  A small section of the shingle siding has blown off and ended up on 18 green and the clubhouse putting green.

Missing shingles on the clubhouse

From what I have seen so far, none of  the damage to the golf course or clubhouse looks major.  We will begin to get things cleaned up and repaired once it is safe to begin working.