January 6, 2012

View from the clubhouse putting green

The weather took a turn for the worse during the last week of 2011.  In December, Sandpines received 6.73 inches of precipitation.  Amazingly, 6.53 inches came between the 25th and the 31st of the month.  For the year, we ended up with 62.27 inches of precipitation.  Check out the precipitation history page to see how 2011 compares to past years.  Thankfully, the forecast is predicting drier weather with lots of sun.

Love that blue sky

A second pond bank repair was completed on hole 17 this week.  This one is much smaller, and is located near the green.  Both of the repaired areas on 17 should blend in nicely once the turf fills in.

17 pond bank repair in progress

Jerry has been working on the tee walk on area on hole 8.  Over the years, sand has accumulated creating a raised edge next to the cart path.  Quite a bit of material was removed in order to create a softer transition between the cart path and the tee walk on.

Jerry starting the tee walk on project on hole 8