February 10, 2012

Jerry rolling 14 green, while Matt repairs ball marks and whips debris

The weather over the past week has been a bit warmer.  The days have been mostly cloudy except for Wednesday, which yielded almost 9/10's of an inch of rain.  While it has been nice not having any frost delays, I am starting to miss the sunshine.

Jim top dressing a tee box on hole 18

This week the tees were mowed and top dressed.  The greens were mowed twice (so far) and rolled.  The collars and approaches were mowed.  The fairways were fertilized.  The rough was spot mowed, mostly 1 to 2 passes around the greens and tees.  Two of the large stumps left of 4 green were removed.  Several areas were hand aerated with our unique cup cutter technique.

Dean preparing to grind the collar mower reel

Dean recently ground the greens mower and collar mower reels.  He will begin grinding the approach mower and fairway mower reels soon.  Dean also replaced batteries in multiple golf carts this week.

15 green with hydraulic oil spots from leak on 1/23/12

The hydraulic oil spots on 14, 15, and 16 greens appeared to be a little more evident this week.  If you look closely at the picture above, you can see some strawed colored grass. At this point, I am still hoping we will not have to perform any turf repairs.