February 3, 2012

Sailor's warning sunrise on 1/29/12

The weather at Sandpines has been decent so far this week.  The rain we had this week came mostly on Tuesday night, so it did not impact our work on the golf course.  The forecast for the next few days looks sunny and dry, so it would be a great time to come and play a round.

Jerry top dressing 7 green

The top dresser was repaired last week, and was put back into action on Monday.  The greens and approaches were top dressed, and this time there were no leaks.  The greens were groomed prior to topdressing, and the rain washed the sand in nicely.  The greens are looking and putting pretty well.  The growth on the greens has picked up a little over the past two weeks.  So far, the oil spots on 14, 15, and 16 greens from last weeks hydraulic leak do not look any worse than they did last week.

Steven cleaning up debris in a bunker

The bunkers still had quite a bit of debris in them from our recent wind storms.  Steven cleaned out the bunkers ahead of the sand pro on Wednesday.  A couple of path areas and trees that we did not get to last week were also cleaned up.  At this point, other than some new stumps, I think most of the cleanup from the wind storms has been taken care of.

New air hose reel in the shop

This winter we have been making an effort to get the maintenance shop cleaned up.  With the economy being what it is, like most businesses we have been challenged to do more with less.  In order to accomplish our goals on the golf course with fewer people and resources, the maintenance shop often takes a backseat.  It is far easier to perform service and repairs on equipment in a shop that is clean and organized.  Our strategy this winter has been to work on one area of the shop at a time when we get an opportunity. So far, we have accomplished quite a bit, but still have a ways to go.  Our most recent accomplishment was adding two hose reels that keep our air hoses out of the way when not in use.  We had a couple of air hoses that needed to be replaced.  By shopping around, I was able to find a hose reel complete with the hose for not much more than the air hose itself.  They were installed in strategic locations that allow us to cover the entire shop.

Siuslaw High School Golf Benefit Tournament Form

On February 25th, Sandpines will be hosting a benefit tournament for the Siuslaw High School Golf Program.    The tournament is a 9 hole scramble with a 2 pm shotgun start. The cost is $45 per player with all proceeds going to the Siuslaw High School Golf Program.  If you would like to participate, you can use the form above or get one from the golf shop.