March 23, 2012

12 green enjoying the sun

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Sandpines received about 3 inches of precipitation accompanied by wind and temperatures in the mid 30's. Thankfully, the weather has been much better since Thursday. Today the temperature is about 60 degrees with blue sky and sunshine. It is a great time to get out and play some golf at Sandpines.

At least someone enjoyed the rain earlier this week

All the moisture over the last couple of weeks has made the water table rise substantially. At the end of last week we began to see water collecting in some of the lowest areas of the golf course. Water also began running onto the golf course from the north after last weeks rain. With the addition of this weeks rain, some of the bunkers have standing water in them. This is not a drainage problem, but an elevation problem. When the ground water rises high enough, some of the bunkers and low lying areas of the golf course will experience standing water. Last year the standing water began to occur in early January. We have roped some of the lower areas of the course off to prevent turf damage from vehicle traffic. Eventually the water table will drop and all of the bunkers will be playable and the ropes will come down.

8 green

During the nice weather, the greens, collars, and approaches were mowed this week. The greens were fertilized this morning. We are also spot mowing some of the rough this afternoon.  

During the awful weather, the process of clearing downed trees and limbs was continued. Sprinkler head edging was continued. Traffic control ropes and stakes were put in place. Tee yardage markers were edged (holes 1-12).