December 28, 2012

View from 7 green looking north

Thankfully, the weather forecast is looking pretty good for the next couple of weeks. I have a feeling there are many folks that have been waiting for some better weather to get out and play some golf. Looks like the wait is over. Come on out and enjoy a round.

Toro Workman in the shop for service and repair

This week, the greens have been mowed twice and rolled once. The grass growth has really slowed down, which is typical for this time of year with the short days and cooler temperatures. The bunkers were raked twice (except for those that are below the water table). We made some more progress on the cart path edging again this week. Traffic stakes were moved in order to vary traffic, which helps to minimize turf damage caused by maintenance equipment and golf carts. The power issue at the fuel island was resolved this week. We had been using a temporary solution in order to fuel equipment. A broken wire ended up being the cause of the problem. Peterson has the Toro Workman in the shop for servicing and repairs. Some of the items being addressed include: shift and brake cable replacement, corrosion removal, corrosion prevention, chassis cleaning, and brake system flush.