January 4, 2013

14 green soaking up the sun this morning

The weather has been fantastic this week. Clear days this time of year tend to begin with frost delays, which was the case earlier in the week. However, today is the nicest day of the week, and play started on time. The high temperature for the day has reached 58 degrees so far (with no wind), which is just right for golfing.

Jim cutting 2x2's for traffic stakes

The frost delays earlier this week allowed us to complete some tasks in the shop. We worked on making more traffic stakes for the golf course, which are particularly important this time of year. We have also been prepping the rough mower decks for painting, which will make them last much longer. The rain gauge was cleaned up and had new batteries installed. Chain saws were sharpened. Bags stands for the driving range were stripped and painted.

View of hole 17 from behind 10 tees (zoomed in slightly)

On the course this week, the greens were mowed on Monday and rolled today, hole locations were changed daily (with the exception of Thursday), bunkers were raked, cart path edging was continued, cart paths were blown off, approaches were fertilized, tee divots were filled, and traffic stakes were moved as needed.