March 22, 2013

16 green

Greens were top dressed and brushed on Monday. The sand from top dressing was washed in nicely with precipitation on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. There was a little wind mixed with the rain, so tree debris had to be blown off some of the greens after the wind let up on Wednesday morning. Greens, tees, collars, approaches, and surrounds were all mowed this week. Greens were also groomed this morning. Greens were spiked and rolled on Thursday. The grass surrounding the bunkers was trimmed. Greens were fertilized this morning. Path edging was continued. Repairs to the rough mower were completed. Repairs to golf carts were performed.

Dr. Peterson

I just could not pass up the photo opportunity above. When I asked Peterson what he was doing in the picture above, he told me he was checking for proper opening and closing of fuel injector rails. He was listening intently to make sure the sound frequencies were adequate. Luckily, they were fine, and no further diagnosis was necessary.

One of many bunkers not being raked by players lately

Unfortunately, the scenario above is becoming a very common sight in many bunkers throughout the golf course. It is very frustrating to see the lack of effort some folks are making when it comes to raking out their tracks. I am sure there are also players taking the time to rake out their footprints properly, but they are being overshadowed by the players who are making no effort whatsoever. Please take the time to rake bunkers properly when you are in them. It only takes about 30 seconds to perform a good rake job. I think this would be a good time to point out that the agronomy staff does not rake bunkers everyday. We typically rake the bunkers two to four times per week depending on the amount of play we receive. We focus our efforts in the following order of priority: greens, collars, approaches, tees, fairways, bunkers, and rough. That means we need every player to rake out their tracks in order to keep the bunkers in descent playing condition.