March 1, 2013

Bright blue sky above hole 9

We are starting to get a bit more grass in the mower buckets than we have seen over the last couple of months. Don't get me wrong, we have not reached the growing season yet, but hopefully we are close to being done with frost delays.

Jerry mowing the clubhouse practice green, while Jim mows 18 green

The greens were walk mowed this morning. The greens were also rolled twice this week. Bunkers were raked a couple times, and a few washouts were repaired. The collars and approaches were both mowed earlier in the week. Hole locations were changed a few times. Cart path edging was continued. T divots were filled. Multiple hydraulic lines were replaced on the Kubota tractor. Height and cut adjustments were made as needed to greens mower reels. Sprinkler head edging was continued. Ball washer fluid is being changed this afternoon. Repairs were made to the golf cart fleet, which is an on going process.