April 19, 2013

7 green

We had some great golfing weather this week. So far today, not so much. After today, the forecast is looking dry with plenty of sunshine. If you have been wanting to get a round in at Sandpines, I would encourage you to do so this weekend. There were still a few tee times remaining last time I checked. We will be begin aerating greens at 12 noon on Sunday following morning play. The course will be closed Monday and Tuesday to complete the process.

Chipping green that was aerated last week

The chipping green that was aerated last week is healing nicely. The other two practice greens were aerated this week, and are off to a good start. The rain we are receiving this morning will help them heal up as quickly as possible.

Chipping  green from a side view

I receive a number of questions this time of year about greens aeration. The video below is put out by the USGA. It does a good job explaining the importance of greens aeration. I thought I would change it up a bit this time for those that are used to seeing the video put out by Pace Turf that I usually include prior to greens aeration.