April 26, 2013

Jerry aerating 13 approach under lovely blue sky

The weather has been spectacular this week at Sandpines. It was really nice to have sunshine while performing aeration on greens and approaches. The agronomy staff did a fantastic job throughout the process. Thanks Jerry, John, Steven, Peterson, Bob, Andrew, Thaddeus, Cory, and Keith, I really appreciate your hard work and dedication. I would also like to thank Jerry and Aaron from the golf shop for their assistance with greens aeration, they were a big help. My son Dylan was also helpful and gave us a hand during greens aeration for a few hours.

I put a short video of the greens aeration process together below for your viewing pleasure.

You may have noticed a stump behind 9 green this week. I took the picture below on Wednesday morning. We really did not need more work this week, but I am sure you will agree this tree needed to be removed ASAP.