April 8, 2011

Blue Sky Returns!

14 green basking in the sun

Today the sun is shining at Sandpines.  We had a brief frost delay this morning, but it was well worth the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine.  Sandpines has received just under two inches of rain over the past week.  Soil temperatures are beginning to increase, and so is turf growth.

Steven clearing brush next to cart path

Greens were rolled once, and mowed multiple times this week.  Tees, approaches, and most areas of the rough were also mowed.  Fairways were fertilized.  Tee yardage markers were edged.  Brush was cleared away from the cart path on the blind corner from 12 green to 13 tee.  Collars will be mowed over the weekend barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Jim edging a tee yardage marker on hole 13

We continued to work on extending carth paths this week.  A much needed extension to the cart path on hole 12  was completed.  We also began refurbishing flagsticks this week.  I will include more on the flagstick project in an upcoming post.

Jerry working on hole 12 cart path extension