April 28, 2011


Jerry mowing large tees with a fairway mower

In an effort to be as efficient as possible, we have been mowing the large tees on the golf course with a fairway mower.  We started doing this last year when one of our triplex mowers died.  We are actually able to mow about 65 percent of our tees with a fairway mower.  About 20 percent continue to be mowed with a triplex, while about 15 percent require a walk behind mower.  In addition to saving time, this also helps keep hours off our triplex mowers, which are both 1995 models and have 10,125 and 8,363 hours respectively.

Spring 2011 Killdeer chick

There are some new Killdeer chicks located located near the chipping green.  They seem to spend most of their time around the cart path between the chipping green and hole 14 fairway.  If you are traveling in that area keep an eye out, you may seen them, but be careful, they are not too savvy around vehicles.  An adult Killdeer will likely try to get your attention by acting like it is hurt to draw your attention away from the chicks.

Fall 2010 greens aeration

We will begin greens aeration following play on Sunday (May 1st) at 12 noon.  We will also be closed Monday (May 2nd), and Tuesday (May 3rd) to complete the process.  With the cooperation of the weather and equipment, we should also be able to complete the aeration of approaches in that time period.

We need to aerate the greens regularly in order to keep them healthy and provide the best playing surface possible.  We will be using 5/8" hollow core tines in order to remove thatch while alleviating compaction.  The thatch will be replaced with sand.  This will create a sand channel for gas exchange and water infiltration.  I came across a video by Pace Turf, that does a nice job explaining the benefits of aeration.  For those of you that were following my blog last October, its same video I put on the blog for the fall greens aeration.  If you have not seen it, I highly recommend checking it out.