June 16, 2012

A beautiful morning view of hole 16

The sun has been shining brilliantly the last few days at Sandpines. Yesterday, I had the golf bug pretty bad. Maybe it was because I got a new club (Adam's Idea a12 hybrid, 19 degree), or maybe its because the US Open is going on right now. Either way, I would have loved to play, but I was just to busy to get out (not to mention there was a tournament going on out on the course). I was able to sneak down to the driving range for a few minutes and try out my new toy. When I hit it good, I liked it. When I hit it bad, it didn't work so well. Looks like I better stick to my day job. Don't get the wrong idea about the club. I think that it may have something to do with my rusty swing. I need to get out soon and try it on the course, maybe this afternoon.

11 green

The tee aeration was completed Monday afternoon. Mowing of all turf areas was completed throughout the week. The greens were fertilized. The tall grass around the bunkers was trimmed. Tee markers were edged. Many of the core piles around the course were pushed out, which is still an ongoing process. Multiple interviews for the mechanic position were conducted. If you know anyone interested in the postion, here is a link to the job posting on Craigslist Sandpines Mechanic. We have had some good applicants, and hope to make our decision soon, so get me your resume ASAP if you are interested or know someone who is.

White circle on hole 11?

The tournament that took place yesterday (Eugene Area Radio Stations) requested a circle around the cup on hole 11. I used the same marking chalk that is used to mark the hitting area on the driving range tee. It will last for a week or so, but not nearly as long as regular marking paint. When the hole location is changed today, many people will likely be wondering what the circle in the front of the green is for. If anyone tries to take a drop onto the green from the valley of death left of the green, you can explain that the circle is not a drop zone, but its merely a circle leftover from a tournament.