June 23, 2012

View from behind 12 green

Sandpines had gorgeous weather during the middle of the week. Yesterday, the weather pattern changed to cloudy and wet. The weather forecast for next week looks better. I am continuing to receive frequent compliments on the condition of the golf course, and on the greens in particular. I was able to get out and enjoy the course with my son Dylan recently, and we had a great time. He is 12 years old, and is really starting to enjoy the game.

8 green

This is the first week in quite some time that we did not perform any aeration on the golf course.  It was a nice change to be able to focus on routine golf course maintenance.  We put our new cups and flagsticks out on the course this week. The greens, approaches, and fairways were all fertilized. The greens were spiked and rolled. All the turf areas were mowed at there usual frequency for this time of year.

It has been three weeks since we have been without a mechanic. The entire maintenance staff has been working diligently together to perform service work and repairs on our equipment. Dan Barnum, and Mike Poston have also been helping me out in the shop a couple of evening a week each. In that period, I have put in several days over 12 hours, and many closer to 16 hours. All the long hours and hard work have been paying off, as our equipment is in much better working order than it was three weeks ago. Our search for a new mechanic has yielded some great candidates. Jerry and I feel very good about selection that we have made. Our new mechanic will start July 2nd, and I am really looking forward to getting him on board.