June 9, 2012

View from behind 18 green

The weather at Sandpines has been a mixed bag so far this week. We saw everything from brilliant sunshine to heavy rain. We have had almost 2 inches of precipitation for the month already. Thankfully, the forecast is looking much better. I have been receiving a number of compliments about the condition of the the golf course, especially regarding the greens. Now that the weather is getting better again, its a great time to get out and play a round at Sandpines.

Jerry top dressing 15 green

It was another productive week for the maintenance staff. The greens were top dressed and brushed in on Monday. The greens and approaches were fertilized. All turf areas were mowed. Tee aeration was initiated and would have been finished if it were not for a couple of equipment issues. The tees on hole 5 are the only ones left, and will be finished early next week.

Jerry aerating, and Bob harvesting tees on hole 1

Jerry and I are continuing to put our mechanic skills to the test, and we are getting by. In the short term, we have some good mechanics helping us out. Dan Barnum has been helping us in the evenings a couple of days a week. Mike Poston will also be helping us out beginning next week. These guys both have full time jobs, and we really appreciate their assistance. With their help, we can get by for a bit until we find someone that is a good fit for the position. If you know of any good mechanics looking for an opportunity, please send them our way.